Thursday, 7 March 2013

Clothing for Miss Havisham

When deciding on an outfit choice for Miss Havisham it wasn't an overly hard one for knowing what I had to dress her in but it was hard finding something that would reference or look similar to a wedding dress. I had previously looked at Victorian wedding's and real images of woman in the Victorian period getting married. These helped to show what sort of materials and styled dresses they would actually wear. I was firstly going to buy some white laced material that i could potentially style and wrap around my model and dye in tea or coffee so it had stains and was discoloured. I luckily found someone that had a very old and old styled wedding dress that they lent to me which is in the pictures below. On seeing this dress i knew it would be a perfect choice for my final look of Miss Havisham. The dress was quite old that it had a natural yellow tinge to it and a few marks and stains so i wouldn't need to dis colour it. The dress was made from lace and had pieces of velvet on it with buttons for pearls this made it feel as if it was an expensive dress which is perfect for my look as Miss Havisham would of had a high class dress. After knowing i had the dress I then had to figure out if i wanted a veil, i decided to make a veil using old lace material and then soaking this in tea bags so it matched the dress with an off white tinge.

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