Thursday, 7 March 2013

Final facechart and Hair design for Miss Havisham

Final Hair image from the shoot
Here is a image of the back of the hair style i done for my final look of Miss Havisham. I decided to go for a style similar to one i had practised previously with the hair being crimped and then placed as if up in a neat style which has gradually fell out over the years. I feel the hair turnt out well as an end result and looked messy, from the back the image doesn't look as if the hair has been dulled down all that much. I have placed fullers earth in the hair to tone down the blonde but i think this mainly showed within the front on the hair and where i had placed it on the roots.

Final Face chart for Miss Havisham
Final hair drawing for Miss Havisham look
To the left is my face chart for my final Miss Havisham look. I have scanned this face chart in and that is why it it quite bleached out. For my final look of Miss Havisham i had decide from researching what age i wanted to portray her character at which was between late 30's early 40's at the beginning of the book where she is still young but looks and seem older than she actually is due to the stress in her life. On knowing this i decided to add some faint wrinkles onto the face and make the eyes very tired looking and add red tones and dry spots on the skin.This is to show her dishevelment and the fact she does not look after herself or has moved from her wedding dress for years or been outside. With this i drew a quick sketch of the hair style i wanted my Miss Havisham to have which is to the left here. This sketch shows a pulled back hairstyle which is quite messy and fallen out alot like what i ended up doing my final hair look like.

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