Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Hair Designs

My drawing of Hair Design
Here is a Hair design which I previously drew for a project before based on Queen Elizabeth and the Elizabethans style. While looking back threw my sketchbook from this previous project I noted similarities between both the Elizabethans style and also the Victorians. Since looking into the Victorians I realised this Hair design i had drawn for an Elizabethan look in which I had never used or tested out, actually reminded me more of a mid Victorian hairstyle instead. This is because of the elaborate shape of the hair built up on top of the head with the Incorporated Jewelle's designed into it and the flowers. when i first drew this hairstyle for my Elizabethan look i drew it quite near the end of the project and never actually got to experiment with it. I think when looking at the style it would be a quite time consuming style to do and not having a lot of hair experience i would struggle and have to give it a few time and re design the hairstyle so it worked properly.

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