Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Industrial Revolution

Spinning in 1808: moving towards mechanisation's.

First picture- interior of a mule-spinning factory 1835
picture below- power loom weaving 1835

Printed dresses in cotton of 1830-40 by Harrods, with billowing skirts and full sleeves
New inventions and the cotton industry.
Britain was the world leader for the new movement that was transform the world with its new processes. Britain's cotton was the first major project to be made and was going to transform the world and ordinary woman's dress. By the mid eighteenth century the quickening of science and invention had increased national production and manufacture of goods for both England and over seas trade. This idea was aimed to increase wealth for our nation and its people. The greatest obstacle to growth of production and sales was the shortage of spun yarns. This means ways of speeding up spinning and weaving of cloth were needed if kept ten individuals to keep one weaver fully supplied. It was from then that the invention of the first successful spinning machine came about in Blackburn. This then led on to being successful in factory's creating greater income into Britain. The inventions of all these machines within the Victorian era allowed woman and both men to change fashion sense more as greater things were invented when looking into material and patterning

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