Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Workshop with Kate Benton

Not great pictures but was amazing in person and very effective.
These are some images I took from a lecture we had in our Make-up class by a Make up and hair artist called Kate Benton who trained with the BBC and worked closely with a Make-up company called Pam. Kate has been a Make up artist and Hair designer in the industry for over 30 years working closely with the BBC this means she had a lot of knowledge to share. Within this lecture we got shown how to apply wigs and how to also age a person in terms of creating a character. The lecture was such an eye opener to the different products you can use to age someone and completely change there appearance. It was helpful and a great learning experience and inspirational hearing the many stories and productions she had worked on creating different characters using many prosthetic pieces, wigs and Make-up. The lecture helped in terms of the project we are currently looking at Charles Dickens great expectations. Within this project we have to apply similar effects onto are own characters such a ageing and creating a character who looks slightly withered and older than possibly should appear.

Different moustaches and sideburns she had all made from real hair.

More different hair, prosthetic pieces in a variety of different colours and textures.

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